You heard that right! The Gladiator community has its very first preview cards! Multiple! Thank you again to Wizards of the Coast for this opportunity. You may already know me and think that when it comes to card previews, we’re going to get something for Cow Tech. One of them is (sort of), but don’t worry - the other one is what we call a verifiable powerhouse for a wide range of strategies. First up though we’ve got a card I feel you foodies will be excited for - she is a card that can give you a strong engine and gum up the board, of course I’m talking about Euru, Acorn Scrounger!

“No harvest method is too nuts.”

We even got her flavor text on there! With her ETB effect, you’re going to be able to cash in some food tokens or a few cards in the yard to create a token producer, and while you wouldn’t always play that effect by itself, you get it on a body that will grow with your acorn counters. Plus, she lets you increment them while also being a sacrifice outlet for those food tokens. I expect her to definitely find a home in the various food decks that have been popping up lately - and as far as past that, I think the sky’s the limit for testing. She does grow off the chitterspitter as well - so maybe you have enough incidental tokens to make her a powerhouse.
Our next card, though, is one I think will see a good bit more play - what if I told you for 2 mana you could guarantee two nonland cards in black. It takes a little bit of extra work, but in our format it’s very easy.

“This will make a fine tribute” -Laxel, rotcaller
Once again - wonderful flavor on this card as you summon forth from your acorn summoning circle of sorts. But wait a second - that says sacrifice any permanent. Not “nonland” - so while that food is a great way to get those cards, you know what also helps with that? Fetchlands. This card producing a 2 time boon that says your next 2 fetchlands draw you cards - that’s huge. It does require you to have the ability to sacrifice permanents, but in black, that is pretty easy to come by. Plus, with the food token this produces, you only really need 1 fetch to get both cards - you just get to have a 4 mana draw 2 in two installments at worst. It’s also guaranteed to hit relevant cards, which I always appreciate.
No matter the cards, I just want to say that once again I thank WotC for this opportunity, it’s huge to be able to have us as a format showing off these cards, and it’s fitting that the Alchemy Furry set is the first set we get to do it for. Make sure to come play in the upcoming Gladiator Games: Furry where our preview cards and the other 28 cards from this alchemy set will all be available to play!